Communicating your “reason for application” 【starting from the conclusion】
Communicating your “reason for application” 【starting from the conclusion】

In order to communicate well what you are thinking 「the order in which you talk」 is very important.
The correct order to talk is: 【Conclusion】 → 【Reasoning】.
Often it just happens to be vice versa and what you are actually trying to say is less understandable. For a better understanding I will give you an example.
Q. Why do you want to work in Japan?
Answering in the order of 【Conclusion】 → 【Reasoning】 (correct way of answering)
I want to contribute to the technological growth in various countries by learning the advanced Japanese technologies and the primary factors of their success. This is because Japanese innovation is having an influence on people all over the world and is making a contribution to improving the living standard. Also, it stands in connection to broadening the horizon from just knowing your own home country to knowing diverse countries.
Answering in the order of 【Reasoning】 → 【Conclusion】 (wrong way of answering)
Japanese innovation is having an influence on people all over the world and is making a contribution to improving the living standard. Also, it stands in connection to broadening the horizon from just knowing your own home country to knowing diverse countries. That is why I want to contribute to the technological growth in various countries by learning the advanced Japanese technologies and the primary factors of their success.
What do you think about the difference?
You will be able to talk logically if you start your answer with your conclusion.
A companies HR will pay close attention to whether you are able to speak in that way or not. Even if you have a great reasoning for your application to that certain company, by mistaking the order of talking it might happen that what you really want to say does not reach the listener. It is a good idea to make it a habit to start talking from the conclusion.
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