How to convey your self-introduction properly?
How to convey your self-introduction properly?

Hello International students!!
When you do job hunting, you need to tell your thoughts clearly. In particular, self-promotion that sells your appealing point is a matter that recruiters would ask almost every time on the document selection and interview. The companies see it as a basis for decision whether you can contribute to the company’s growth and you have the skill that is suitable for that or not.
Even If you did something wonderful, if the way to tell is inadequate, you will not be evaluated properly. On the contrary, if you can tell it properly, they would evaluate you well if you do not have such a wonderful episode.
- 1 How can we tell them more simply?
How can we tell them more simply?
Compare the following examples.
Good and Bad examples when you convey your self-introduction.
Bad example
In Japan, I went to school and worked as a hall staff at the restaurant for 3 years. In the third year, I challenged the education of the new members and demonstrated leadership during the work. Also, I did my best every day without giving up and suggested ideas for contributing to the growth of sales.
I am the person who is always thinking the work efficiency and act responsibility.
Good example
In Japan, I went to school and worked as a hall staff at the restaurant for 3 years. In the third year, I was in charge of education of newcomers, and I created a work manual to prepare educational environment.
Also, I suggested that setting up a selling area outside the store to increase sales because sales were sluggish due to deprivation of customers to the same business shops nearby.
As a result, I made a contribution to the increase of sales and the number of visitors increased by 30%.
I am the person who is always thinking the work efficiency and act responsibility.
How is it?
The bad example is hard to understand what kind of person is he/she.On the other, we can recognize he/she is aggressive form the good example. Then, it makes us ask them more in detail.
But WHY??
Point 1: Use specific examples
Look at the bad example, there is no specific information. But, in the good example, there are the sentences which explain how he/she contributed. It emphasizes why and how he/she want to improve work efficiency and acting responsibility.
As a result, the recruiters will have an interest in his story and want to listen to talk.
In a limited space of a resume or limited time on interview, talk a specific content as much as possible and write a story that will get their interest.
Point 2: Write a problem
We write what we did in most cases but the recruiters want to know “Why did you do it?” This is the same thing when you work. You must specifically write what is a problem and then you write a solution for that problem. This process is important for making them understand.
Point 3: Talk within 60 seconds.
If you talk too long, the recruiters will not know what you want to tell after all. So you should make the content as compact as possible and talk within 60 seconds.
Also, should not talk everything you want. Just talk what you want to tell.
At first, you have to tell your appealing point in a word as a conclusion, and then explain reasons why you are such a person. At the end, you talk the merits if the company employs you and how your appealing points will contribute to your company specifically.
Point 4: Do not use terminology.
Everyone cannot understand what you said if you use terminology.Please tell in words that everyone can understand.
Point 5: Understand what type of people is needed by the company.
The job description is different from each company so that the character the company desires is also different. If you do not understand what the companies need, your self-introduction will not be conveyed properly.
You let them understand you can contribute to their company so you should match your self-introduction to their needs.
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