Tips when answering the
“reason for your application” question vol.1
Tips when answering the
“reason for your application” question vol.1

So, what kind of “reason for application” does make them understand that you are a performing person? That you are someonewho works really hard?
“Reason for application” – They try to find out how serious you are about working at their company.
Character, resume, age, studies, diplomas… there are many things the companies look at but what they want to know the most is how strong your will is to work at just their company.
What exactly are they looking at when judging?
“I am really serious about working at this company!” – What makes the Human Resource employees think just that of you?
People that really want to work at that certain company are naturally interested in it and search for a lot of information.
In addition, it’s important to know what makes that certain company different, where it has its strengths compared to its competitor’s etc. By asking you for the reason of your application they are doing nothing else but to judge how serious you are about their company. Hence, it’s very important to gather as much information as possible about the company that you really want to work for.
Try to be aware about the following things when going to a job interview:
Understanding the company’s business and its characteristics
If you do not understand the company’s business (not in detail of course) it will be very difficult to understand what is good about the company and what its strengths are.
And of course, if you do not know the good points of the company it will be hard to make the interviewer believe that you really want to work at their company. By not understanding the company they will think that you do not 100% want to work there. -
Understanding what kind of persons they are looking for
Depending on the company the company atmosphere and corporate values differ. Therefore also the kind of people they are searching for differ from company to company.
By knowing the company atmosphere and its values it’s easier to understand what they are looking for and easier to sell yourself correctly. -
Thinking of how to become an active part of the company
This is a pattern that is very popular among small- and mid-size companies. Especially, “let’s have the company teach me” kind of people will hardly find employment. “Where do you want to perform and become an active part of the company?” that is something really important you should not miss to communicate.
To get a better understanding of the company try the following:
「Company homepage」「IR Information」「Company Information Sessions」「OB visit」「Comparison with other companies」
There might be many things a student without company experience does not know. However, entering a company as a new graduate is a once in a lifetime situation and I recommend you to carefully choose the company you are going to enter.
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