UNBELIEVEABLE!!- True Stories – Top 10 Things NOT to do at Interviews (or Jobhunting in general)
UNBELIEVEABLE!!- True Stories – Top 10 Things NOT to do at Interviews (or Jobhunting in general)

These are true stories of some applicants who surprised their interviewer by lack of manners.
What are you wearing??
1.Wear Sweat pants
Do not be tricked by ‘No dress code.’ This is Japan, and you need to know how to dress according to TPO. This is true even for companies where employees dress casually. Other must nots are to wear running shoes, sagging, and over the top hairstyles.
With Mommy
2.Attend the Interview with a guardian
This actually is reported time to time. If you happen to bring someone, have them wait at a nearby café.
Umm… It is a Public Space
3.Putting make up in the waiting room
HR not only check your manners inside the interview room, you are being watched from the moment you step in the building. You should also be careful not to eat, or listen to music in a loud volume.
Just No
4.Chew gum during the interview
No need for explanations for this one. Basic manners.
This is not a rare case
5.‘Purikura’- photoshopped picture- on your resume
Do not use pictures that are photo-shopped excessively or pictures that have anything other than yourself in it. Although some cultures believe appearance is important to getting a job, in Japan, we usually do not use photoshopped pictures for professional use. Sooner or later, the HR will find out how you look, so just be honest. Some applicants have actually used their ‘purikura- Japanese photo stickers’ and others just cut it out from a graduation album. You should be wearing formal wear and the background should be plain.
There is more and more!!
6.Be Late
This is also out of question, but it DOES happen. Japan is a country that is especially strict to time, so always be ready by 5 minutes before the scheduled time. This is also the case when you start to work.
7.Goofing off with a friend during the company tour
Although some company encourage visits with a friend, it does not mean you can be unprofessional. If you are going to work in that company, you must show them you have business manners- and common sense.
8.Forgetting to use Honorific
This is basic manner in Japan. Our language (and culture) is not as laid back as others, and we tend to have a stricter relationship with our bosses. We also do not address each other by first names.
9.Record the interview
You may have heard that we can learn a lot during interviews, but recording it is not the way. It is reported that some students take notes during the interview using their phone, which is equally unacceptable.
10.Be absent without notifying
Students tend to do so, failing to manage their busy schedule. Interviewers are actually taking their time to see you. Even if you do not plan to see them ever again, you should always contact them beforehand.
These 10 Don’ts may seem like common sense. However, there are a handful of people who actually need this warning, as everything listed here is true. Be careful your actions do not end up in my next example of Don’ts.
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