What HR are Looking For in Document Screening
What HR are Looking For in Document Screening

Hello, international students.
What are the Human Resources (HR) looking for in a resume or entry sheet?
This article will go over the criteria in document screening.
The Purpose of Document Screening
There are two main purpose of document screening, which differs according to the company.
- To fail applicants who do not meet the qualifications
- To screen applicants who have a high possibility of getting the position
Reasons Companies Fail Only Those Who Do Not Meet the Qualifications
- Documents do not tell everything about a person
- Companies would like to see as many people as possible
Reasons Companies Pass Only Who are Highly Qualified
- Interviews take time. The more applicants, the more time required.
Either way, the documents you turned in will be used until the final interview. You should only send what you think is appropriate to show the CEO.
In addition, companies tend to contact students from those who turned in their applications. They may not read your applicants thoroughly if you turn it in at the last moment. Try to turn it in early.
Now, what are companies looking for in your documents?
What the HR is Looking For
Some Bad Examples
- Unprofessional Photo
→Your picture can determine your impression. Please use a professional one, not a selfie, or taken in casual attire.
- It is difficult to understand
→HR must look at multiple resumes in a short amount of time. Create your resume by standing in the shoes of the HR; what would they think is the easiest to understand?
- Writing the Same Thing for Every Company
→Your handwriting shows your personality. Even if your handwriting isn’t the best, try writing them carefully. If you mess up, instead of using white out, rewrite the whole resume.
- どの企業にも使い回しているような内容である
→The HR are professionals; they will know. Instead of showing them how eager you are, you will be showing them your lack of enthusiasm.
- Unfilled spaces or Stains (Paper Format)
→You will give them the impression that you are careless about your work.
Good Examples
- Your enthusiasm and how you can contribute to the company is clear
→If you can convey that you are earnest, chances of passing the document screening will increase. It would be a plus to write not only your enthusiasm but also how you can contribute to the company. Start out by writing why you would like to work there, and then a personal episode, and lastly, mention your skills or strengths that will benefit the company.
- Your Strength is well-thought
→You start by simply stating your strength, and then include a situation where you effectively used your strength to prove your point. It is better for you to elaborate your strength using only one example. Lastly, include how you will use your strength in that company.
- What skills you acquired and the process
→First, include what activities you were engaged in during university. Then write one story that elaborates your skills. Finally, clarify what you learned through the activity, and how you were able to improve yourself.
- Nice Layout
→It shows that you are making an effort to have your resume seen, thus the HR will have a positive impression. Be sure to use space effectively.
So, how was it? HR are looking at everything you turn in; if your documents are messy, then it is natural that they will assume you are a sloppy person.
It takes a lot of time to make a good resume. That is why you should prepare early. In addition, in order to make your documents even better, always show it to your teacher, or a career consultant before turning it in and make sure to get advice.
Your resume writing skills will improve as you start writing. So, let’s get started!
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