ヤンゴン外国語大学 日本語学科卒業 前職:マスコミ関係 営業1年半 内定おめでとうございます。まず、日本で働きたいと思
University of British Columbia 卒業 九段日本文化研究所日本語学院 卒業 日本で働こうと思
Your answers during a job interview should be your own thoughts, so basically it’s ok to answer anything. Still, there are the “better not to say” answers and the “good to say” ans
So, what kind of “reason for application” does make them understand that you are a performing person? That you are someonewho works really hard? “Reason for application” – They try
How to use the bus? Hello! Now, while writing this article I am remembering the time when I was job hunting. Job hunting really is hard, isn’t? All the entry sheets, Cv’s, indust
In order to communicate well what you are thinking 「the order in which you talk」 is very important. The correct order to talk is: 【Conclusion】 → 【Reasoning】. Often it just happens
7 essential points to consider for getting a job offer 1)Preparation In my opinion there is nothing more important than preparation when it comes to job hunting. Preparations are m
Hello everyone! There are many things that foreign students find difficult when they start job-hunting in Japan. Here are the most recurring ones. An early start Usually, in foreig
Some students may have tried finding jobs in Japan without knowing what exactly the company wants from foreign students. Please note that in this article will be about Japanese fir
Hello, how are you doing? This article will cover a necessity for those who will do job hunting in Japan; “Self-Analysis”. It may sound complicated and difficult, but it is simply
Hello everyone! After you get an offer at a company, you turn in a written consent the acceptance letter. The Acceptance Letter First of all, what is an acceptance letter? What is